Gus Kuhn Motors Index Page
This part of the site celebrates the people who contributed to the history of the company. If you worked for the company, or were a customer, or involved in the racing, we would love to hear from you. If you have any memories, pictures or stories you would like to add, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Stickers no longer available

Gus Kuhn Seeley Commando
Rare Racer Test 1996
by Alan Cathcart Click Here

Colin Seeley, Racer ... and the rest.
The autobiography of Colin Seeley (Parts 1 & 2)
Highly recommended.

If you are interested in motorcycle racing from the sixties onwards, then Colin Seeley's book is definitely for you. It is full of anecdotes, escapades and personalities, on and off the track, giving a fantastic insight into racing and technical achievements. If you were there you'll love reliving the memories, if you weren't, you'll wish you had been! Part one features the early days of the Gus Kuhn race team and part two continues the story. Click here for more information: